by Victoria Chang
Barbie Chang Watches
Barbie Chang watches the Ellen Pao
trial wants the woman
to win thinks the woman is right thinks
the woman should fight
the woman should fight
thinks she is wrong remembers her own
long days in a cubicle with
long days in a cubicle with
Rob Meyer mitering his edges talking
about his dates with
about his dates with
Asian women in the office it’s awful
to sit and listen to the
to sit and listen to the
men talk about women the ones who
made it never complained
made it never complained
never felt pain for others smart ones
who didn’t want to
who didn’t want to
work at Walmart marked their words
carefully Barbie Chang
carefully Barbie Chang
like Ellen Pao kept good records never
wore corduroys to
wore corduroys to
work pretended she hated recreation
with other Asians
with other Asians
everyone blamed her anyway Barbie
Chang can’t help too
Chang can’t help too
but think Ellen Pao is ugly not good
to powwow with
to powwow with
probably doesn’t own Ugg boots got
booted out of the
booted out of the
office full of lies because of her small-
fisted eyes
fisted eyes