We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
Story of the Week
They couldn’t go to the Manson family caves because of nuclear radiation.
Now all I was, all I had ever been, when it came down to it, was a tenant.
Fall Contest Winners
Overnight, somebody had dumped a dead pit bull in the trash bin.
Story of the Week
She weighed the cold shiny gun on her palm and let out a jagged breath.
Six-Word Stories
An ironic story about skepticism and education, in just six words.
Story of the Week
“Tell me that everything will be okay,” I whispered to the photo.
Fall Contest Winners
It was where salvation often lay in little more than a piece of duct tape.
The person was seeing his printed face superimposed over his real one.
Story of the Week
A nearly perfect guitar fell from the sky and landed in my mom’s azaleas.
I put my arm around Larry’s shoulders and ask him to pull over.
Story of the Week
“The rattlesnakes glow in the dark, man. You should see them.”
Story of the Week
He wondered how others lived with their sins. Maybe they never did.
Story of the Week
Having his ex-wife in the house was a distraction. He forgot to grieve.
Clayton always imagined getting laid in the rooms of his dad’s motel.
Story of the Week
Was this where he would grow old? Would it all end in a room like this?
Winter Contest Winners
Phuong feared that she was nothing but a regret born into flesh.
He will, no doubt, be out of this house soon, headed over to Montgomery.
Story of the Week
If someone looked into his eyes they would see how ugly his mind was.
She examines her left hand, finger by finger, gripping and pinching the flesh.
Story of the Week
He hit all of us sometimes, but he hit me hardest and the most.
Story of the Week
Lorna was like a sculpture carved by some Greek out of marble.
Six-Word Stories
The tension between words and actions, in a six-word story.
Story of the Week
I know exactly what to do when Papa has a seizure in the middle of the night.
Story of the Week
Theirs was a free fall that went on and on. If it’s time to fall, let’s fall.
Story of the Week
The jealous Othello, ready for murder, was transformed into a school-boy.