We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
Story of the Week
We were aiming for a complete transformation of society.
Short Shorts
He doesn’t have to lie about oatmeal. That’s the way things are for him.
Story of the Week
“We must also buy twenty acres or so. Life is becoming impossible.”
Story of the Week
“I know I am disabled. Technically. But I don’t feel that way.”
Wake up drenched in sweat, with fatigue that reaches to your marrow.
Story of the Week
Ask your mother about babies. Ask her about the baby that died.
Lily hated Ray’s cancer. She couldn’t see it or cure it.
Story of the Week
Our hopes swirled around the act of swallowing a teaspoon of yogurt.
Story of the Week
As soon as I heard his voice, I felt as if a wind had swept through my head.
Story of the Week
Hurricane Ian was bearing down on us. Jack wanted to stay and ride it out.
I was passed out on the floor, the TV on, when Ian made landfall.
Story of the Week
Let the squeamish suffer their fear, let them live without really living.
Story of the Week
We agreed: no hearts, no flowers, just courteous, no-strings sex.
In the story she was a dripping, chocolate-covered vamp.
There’s something I saw at the race meeting I can’t figure out.
Spring Contest Winners
Protect your hands. You can always get by if your hands aren’t broken.
It was an act that made me feel safer but also somehow more imperiled.
On the small of my daughter’s back is a two-inch tattoo. MADE IN CHINA.
Story of the Week
Silence, a weapon of choice, hung between them, cut through the air.
Story of the Week
The excursion brought shape to that entire scruff-covered summer.
Story of the Week
They met on the app in April, shortly after her twenty-ninth birthday.
Oh, how did people do it? How did they find some way to be happy?
Story of the Week
My father then got partials implanted, which were later punched out.
Story of the Week
The first time she’d touched his body, it had been like going back in time.
Six-Word Stories
"In County": A new six-word story by Robert Olen Butler.
Story of the Week
Pushing by the man, he ran down the street towards the station.