We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
Short Shorts
All night the insects’ grinding jaws chewed through the darkness.
Winter Contest Winners
“I’m torturing you,” she said. “It isn’t fair.” Now I saw there were tears.
Winter Contest Winners
Our life is fine as it is, she would say to him, and it seemed true.
Six-Word Stories
The author reflects on a soldier’s experience, in just six words.
Story of the Week
Mostly he was in a hurry, so he’d just stick it in and away we’d go.
Story of the Week
From the flight deck Gray could see home, wherever that might be.
Winter Contest Winners
He guessed it was the worst thing he had ever seen or maybe ever would.
Story of the Week
Since his mother’s fall, Ali had been stopping by every week to help out.
Short Shorts
So, Ida, are you a Jew or a nudist? Do you believe in Hanukkah?
Why did it take Steven’s small coffin to get me to see my own son?
Story of the Week
Devanand Simon was twenty-five when the bodies fell from the sky.
N30B Winners
When you are sixteen and sixty-five pounds, you are all shadows.
Everything they needed was there. Everything they needed, they had.
Story of the Week
The old man drinks some more liquor and whacks down two trees.
Story of the Week
Go came up with the idea that all things were part of a good conspiracy.
Story of the Week
I was thinking sex, she was thinking sex, but neither of us made a move.
Winter Contest Winners
Had I always known this would happen? There had been no signs.
“Elohim, we lasted through all the shit of training, and now it’s over.”
Story of the Week
Tony’d had guns pulled on him more times than he had toes.
Story of the Week
It is our first time, both of ours. This sentence ends with hate myself.
Story of the Week
At age eighteen, Deirdre packed her bags and moved to New York City.
Karen was, in that moment, nothing, emptiness. She was oblivion.
Love is trickling into Lady’s heart where usually there is only fear.
Narrative High School Writing Contest
“Even though we aren’t carrying out the deed, we are the most responsible.”
Story of the Week
Even before bills and rent and adultery—you don’t sleep well.
I had the tongue of an adder and my heart was black with rage and hate.