We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
Six-Word Stories
Here's a great way to tell the comedy of sex in only six words.
Story of the Week
Joshua was well versed in things to which I was not yet privy, like sex.
Story of the Week
Loss. That word echoed in my ears as my eyes ranged around the garden.
Story of the Week
Our neighbors the Bells are watching, watching us when we play outside.
“Out to lunch,” she learns from an older colleague, is a euphemism.
Story of the Week
The architect is twice my age and owns an ivy-covered house.
Story of the Week
The sedan clipped their front bumper and pitched Bill’s car into a slide.
Eight years, and she was ready to call it quits. They were both ready.
Story of the Week
I’m trying to decide if I’m too cold to be curious, when the box meows.
Another girl like an origami crane, given to a reckless boy who unfolds it.
Story of the Week
Even in death, my mother had to make things difficult for me.
The beer and the kissing and the lateness of the hour had got to me.
After the password was given, the question remained. My name.
He does not dare to ask the question flaring in his head. Will she stay.
Now he was all out of dreams, out of rage, expectations, and money too.
Story of the Week
This kind of childhood stuck with a person, twisted things up.
Story of the Week
Que voulez-vous? I said.
Patisserie, she said and smiled.
Pastry, I said. Well, that’s predictable.
I knew in the dream that I was a condor in the shape of a girl.
Story of the Week
We were lying on the grass, sharing a joint. The sun was radiant.
Story of the Week
It will be years before the kids see us as real people, not just as parents.
Story of the Week
She was wanting to be noticed as a person not wanting to be noticed.
Story of the Week
His name is Lloyd. He lives on Percival. He’s super creepy.
Story of the Week
He was so frail, how could your heart not break when you saw him?
Story of the Week
The eyes of men were drawn, numb and automatic, to her youthfulness.
Story of the Week
Chuck had a grin, but Mike kept his eyebrows raised, very curious.
Story of the Week
He was getting a divorce. I was married with two teenage children.
Doctor, he devoted. When she poorly, he bring her mint tea in bed.