We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


This is the worst moment of her life, maybe of anybody’s life, ever.
The most arcane sexual practices could arouse me from my torpor.
Story of the Week
“Make it look like you’re working on a nearby shelf,” Aunt Mary whispered.
He’d been lost and tripping vividly on some speckled acid for days.
Story of the Week
I try to get her to drink again. We were okay drunks, before Jesus.
Story of the Week
The only person I’d seen naked was my mother the night she died.
Story of the Week
He was living like a coyote, out on the margins. But then a letter came.
Winter Contest Winners
Her appearances are fleeting, a gust of air, a murmur in the night.
Six-Word Stories
A six-word story written by eighth-grader Marlon Jiminez.
Story of the Week
Out by the road was her son standing without a stitch of clothing.
Story of the Week
She was the idiot who fell in love with some high-class gigolo.
He felt desperate for the rains, mosquitoes be damned.
Since the accident she lost her hold on the world and never got it back.
In school, he was called gook, chink, and one boy called him ching-chong.
Story of the Week
Grandma was forced to break her vow of silence only three times.
Story of the Week
She imagines his clothes on the floor, his arms wrapped around her waist.
Story of the Week
The band was amateur at best. It didn’t matter. People loved them.
Story of the Week
They come to America and their child is shot down like a wild animal.
Perhaps he was not almost sixteen years old, but thirty-five and sick.
Story of the Week
Howie and Nadine were confident they’d be among the survivors.
Story of the Week
Her will is resolute, and he knows enough not to challenge it.
The clearest memory was when his father shot a grizzly.
Story of the Week
The thing was, I didn’t care what I ate in front of a woman. Every day, I told her things I would have been too embarrassed to tell anyone else.
Hearing the baby’s cry, Varka finds the enemy who is crushing her heart.
Fall Contest Winners
The woman perused Irwin’s request form. “You can’t go there.”
Story of the Week
Teddy, the new sous chef, is on fire again. It’s the second time in a week. I make a silent promise to myself never to have sex on a beach, not even with Ryan Gosling.
N30B Winners
He probably had an order. Ludes, Dexis, Black Birds—who knew.
Story of the Week
A town, wholly unknown to him until yesterday; he’s now unwrapped.
Story of the Week
A Midwestern man is never without his knife. Half of us carry guns.
The owl was a white that could not be compromised by any other color.