We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


Fall Contest Winners
My sister’s fever wasn’t gone at all, but dazzling—suspended over us.
Story of the Week
This is a place where young girls are butchered in old-time songs.
Story of the Week
Turned out Bauer was one of the ones brought alive by misery.
Story of the Week
Henry surprised himself with his inability to start looking for a job.
What was she thinking, driving alone to see a man she’d never met?
She had seen him take the crop to a girl for doing nothing at all.
Cassandra blared Puccini and Eminem so she would not pray.
Story of the Week
If it were me, kid, I’d swallow. You bet I would. But first I’d run like hell.
Put yourself in bad positions, they’ll remind us. Address your weaknesses.
She was thinking about what she would say when the time came.
Mark looked down at the fortune cookie as if it were a summons.
“Aren’t you full of surprises,” Talinda would have said. If she had known.
“Whoa, look—the monkey prof. Can you believe it? He was just on TV.”
In Ovid’s tale, the virgin Philomela was raped by her brother-in-law.
Short Shorts
The linebacker grins, but the lines around his eyes tighten.
From the roof, my husband observed daily a man and a woman having sex.
Story of the Week
There was a time when all I wanted was go back. Ask all the questions.
She pulls quickly on her cigarette and blows it at me through the phone.
Photography & Art
“If the world is becoming a void, the artist must fill it with his soul.”
Story of the Week
The consensus was that all the great writers drank way too much.
My father was at an awful disadvantage in a sport where cunning is a virtue.
Story of the Week
It was a Tuesday, so they made love. She thought it was a fair compromise.
Classics, Story of the Week
Both Sherlock Holmes and I had a weakness for the Turkish bath.
Story of the Week
Sometimes the phone would ring and ring, and I’d go answer. It was him.
Story of the Week
“I have always had a gift of feeling what is in other people’s hearts.”
I’m still in love with this filthy city, but now I know Berlin's love isn’t free.
“were all here pregaming. at my dads apt. Wher the duck are u.”
No one answered. I turned to his parents. My stomach felt on fire.