We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
Story of the Week
Saint Clark, halo and all, patron of wildlife shows and the cigarette tax.
Six-Word Stories
A snapshot of loneliness and vice in this powerful six-word story.
I put out my lips, and we kissed through the newly painted fence.
Story of the Week
Mostly, 90 percent of the time, the big ones trigger the bad attacks.
Story of the Week
Pigeons are born knowing where they belong, with whom they belong.
Six-Word Stories
Combat: a series of five new six-word stories from Stanton S. Coerr.
Story of the Week
It whispered a promise of great wealth, and I was listening.
Story of the Week
Of course the despicable wretch would beg her to forgive him again.
Story of the Week
“Come here, my good child; sing me Pergolese’s Salve Regina.
Story of the Week
The school’s committed to an all-sterile facility by the year 2025.
Story of the Week
Their marriage had dwindled to a separation and a running joke.
Story of the Week
I yell at the boys: “What are you doing! Are you out of your minds?”
Story of the Week
“Clean up this mess!” I tell the woman. “How can you live like this?”
They had come for him very early in the morning. It was still dark outside.
Spring Contest Winners
Husk was sturdy. He just breathed like it. Not like me. My lungs rattle.
Winter Contest Winners
There is a pure fear, in waking somewhere you have not lain down.
She runs until her blisters bleed. Then, she runs some more.
Story of the Week
It was just what it was. Sex with someone who was not her husband.
Story of the Week
Let the public do itself the honor to read and follow in my footsteps.
“It’s out of the question. It’s a waste of your time. And my money.”
Story of the Week
She wondered if tomorrow would fill her with so strange a stirring.
If I had been blessed that afternoon, why did I lose my tongue?
Story of the Week
Did you hear about the candidate who grabbed Hugh’s dick?
“Tell me how it felt”—he narrows his eyes—“when you first saw her.”