It is with pleasure and quiet celebration that we mark the completion of Narrative’s first year. We began in September 2003 with the relatively modest ambition of publishing, as often as possible, the best work we could find by established and emerging writers. We hoped to attract a readership of sufficient size and loyalty to indicate that literary readers online are steadily growing in numbers and seeking Internet sources of quality fiction and nonfiction on par with the best, traditional, print journals.
With very little promotion on our part—we have almost no budget for it!—readers have found us and spread the word. We are delighted to have reached, in one year, an audience of the size that would typically attend a well-established literary magazine in print for a decade or more; we are also pleased that our readers log on from all over the world: the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East, Russia, Asia and the Pacific, Central and South America….We’ve yet to be found by readers in a few places on the globe, but we hope it’s only a matter of time before a literary soul in Reykjavik accesses