by Justin Balog
I began making stories of a God
so that I might not feel lonely
sitting in His lap
He spoon-fed me
His Genesis
rocking He whispered
His Genesis
rocking He whispered
I was created in His image
I had dominion over every
creeping thing
I had dominion over every
creeping thing
I had seen the spill
from waterbeds of arthropods
to a clumsy shuffle of a scaly beast
from waterbeds of arthropods
to a clumsy shuffle of a scaly beast
on a sulfuric beach I had seen
wings grow and later
feathers and fur
wings grow and later
feathers and fur
claws later hooves stamping
rather stoking a ground
reduced their number of legs
rather stoking a ground
reduced their number of legs
and grew hair for feathers
traded vocal chords repeating
our errors in words
traded vocal chords repeating
our errors in words
hum glottal hums
together as night set
my many names began
together as night set
my many names began
a Virgin Mary Jesus St. George
measured in three parts
wet clay I was spooned together
measured in three parts
wet clay I was spooned together
a lonely morula first
eye ear vestigial tracts
opened to the smell
eye ear vestigial tracts
opened to the smell
of dusty myrrh a crusade
marching silently for me in the north
tomorrow da Vinci an idea
marching silently for me in the north
tomorrow da Vinci an idea
of being human
I explored the drawings
of genitals carefully observing
I explored the drawings
of genitals carefully observing
rivers I mechanized
a hydraulic pump
to syphon upward the word
a hydraulic pump
to syphon upward the word
human a tangible piece of river scum
the cell the mass the lichen the breath
or a Darwin
the cell the mass the lichen the breath
or a Darwin
I measured tortoises
in centimeters finches sang
in different tunes as night set
in centimeters finches sang
in different tunes as night set
in scrub brush or on ground
yet to be specified
I scribbled a memoir
yet to be specified
I scribbled a memoir
in DNA metaphorically
structured as a human
mosaic group of tourists
structured as a human
mosaic group of tourists
snapping polaroid pictures
at Basilica Santa Maria’s
Creation of the World
at Basilica Santa Maria’s
Creation of the World
in 1971 shaking air
setting color to light
keepsakes from a trip
setting color to light
keepsakes from a trip
that common memoir
substituted I for we and
somewhere in the text
substituted I for we and
somewhere in the text
a story I began with a God
ended with the fact of us
all the dying stars lonely
ended with the fact of us
all the dying stars lonely
send their million-year-old
light that ends at the fact
of topsoil chlorophyll
light that ends at the fact
of topsoil chlorophyll
setting color to light
the sugar the exercise the breath
the vibrancy the apparentness the facts
the sugar the exercise the breath
the vibrancy the apparentness the facts
that I am alone but I am
a finch’s song synonymous
with gospel drawings of a pump
a finch’s song synonymous
with gospel drawings of a pump
explained as a fact of centrifugal
force this mass of cells
through renaissance and science
force this mass of cells
through renaissance and science
one unified microscopic breath
hoping for something divine
explained as distinctly human
hoping for something divine
explained as distinctly human
Read on . . .
“The Resemblance of the Enzymes of Grasses to Those of Whales Is a Family Resemblance,” a poem by Lisa Olstein