by Lisa Olstein
To Flee the Kingdom
So spring today, bees in the bok choy
bolted yellow before we could eat it—
let them eat it instead, let them carry on
carrying its stardust from place to place,
carrying its stardust from place to place,
let us all eat come future come. Meanwhile
the cat takes, gives a good long bath.
the cat takes, gives a good long bath.
The birds? The birds will fill whatever gap
we leave them. Once we didn’t name them
we leave them. Once we didn’t name them
out of abundance, now we don’t name them
out of respect for their loss, ours.
out of respect for their loss, ours.
Hawks or whales? Jaguars, anacondas?
You’ve met yourself in the place you were afraid.
You’ve met yourself in the place you were afraid.
You’re smart. You keep your head.
You’ve got the right stone. When you really look
You’ve got the right stone. When you really look
the enemy is not as it first appeared.
It’s actually more dangerous
It’s actually more dangerous
if the horse doesn’t know what you want
says the woman out front. I am the shining lotus
says the woman out front. I am the shining lotus
on top of the tallest mountain in the world
breathes the bay beneath her, steady on.
breathes the bay beneath her, steady on.