The Last Artist
in New York

WED., MARCH 22, 2017

11:23 AM

My boss, Ellen, yells at me for making a mess of her afternoon schedule. Why can’t she understand how hard it is for me to juggle the seven boring jobs it takes to support myself?

Living in Manhattan as the last artist in New York City: it’s the ultimate test of commitment.

11:25 AM

Ellen rushes out to show Dubai clients condo in a just-completed building designed by protégée of Zaha Hadid. Rest of country may be endless series of popping real-estate bubbles, but after minor bump, prices in NYC are soaring again.

Not a fan of the zigzaggy neo-Hadid tower myself, which was built on the site of the Chelsea Hotel. In fact, I picketed the site for two days with a sign that read What About Our Cultural Heritage?

“Who cares?” muttered families as they shoved me to the side.

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