Narrative 10

We are celebrating Chris Bohjalian’s work and his latest novel, The Jackal’s Mistress, with a visit from our N10 interview series:

1. Who is your favorite character in fiction; your fave character in life?

Ah, “character.” As in the state of her moral compass: “Her character was unimpeachable, and that was why everyone looked up to her.” Or “character,” that person who was, for better or worse, bigger than life: “He had zero filter and would say anything. He was such a character. Always left us howling.” Or simply, the individual, real or imagined.

For this question? Let’s bear in mind that I will always have a soft spot for the damaged and the dreamers in fiction. The more broken, the more interesting to me in a novel.

So it might be Gatsby or Garp (and if we’re talking John Irving, it could also be Homer Wells from The Cider House Rules).

But it might also be Sethe (Beloved).

In the end, if I must pick one from fiction, I am going to go with Sophie, as envisioned first by Styron and then by Streep.

As for real life? Note that I said I prefer the broken in fiction. Not necessarily in real life, though there are some friends and family I love in this world who are very damaged and very broken.

In any case, my favorite characters in real life will always be my lovely bride, Victoria, and our daughter, Grace Experience.

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