A Story
by Beverly ParaynoAfter walking for an hour on bare feet down the long dirt road, Crescencia rested at the town cemetery, laying her head against a half-upturned tombstone. There were no flowers in sight, just overgrown weeds and remnants of food packages left behind by the homeless who used the flat graves for dining tables. She had nowhere to go. When Lolie, her employer for the past twenty years, came home to find her father, Tatay, in bed with Crescencia, she threw the maid out nude as she was, and then, a minute later, tossed a dirty duster out onto the porch. Crescencia slipped the loose housedress over her head, searching the empty pockets. Her entire savings of three hundred and fifty pesos was safety-pinned to the pocket of her other duster, the one that Lolie would not return.