Downhill Triolets

by Natalie Diaz
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Tough and heart-breaking. Powerful. Thank you, Natalie Diaz.

I like the way the three triolets are used to reinforce the cyclic pattern of the brother's behavior --in each poem the damage to himself and those around him going deeper. I love the patient image of Sisyphus and the tragic Geronimo.

The dad's blue heart. Cuffs like infinity. Gorgeous. I love the specificity of Geronimo.

You brought me into this, and in such a poetic way. I felt as if I was there.

This poem affected me for personal reasons, but also poetically. I think the common threads that Natalie uses through out the piece are brilliant. I so enjoyed this!

I was impressed by this poem and liked it very much.

A heartbreaking story of immense depth and feeling. You are a gifted writer, and I am looking forward to reading the rest of your writing. Thank you.

Congratulations, Natalie. Well-deserved! I bought your book at Moe's in Berkeley (Readers note: this poem is in her first collection, "When My Brother was an Aztec.") I'm enjoying the read!
Gimino-giizhigad Nimisse!

These poems are beautiful--the award is deserved. I have added you to my list of poets whose work I want to own. Thank you, for adding excellent, meaningful and thought-provoking poetry to the world.

I am so glad to see this poem again. It is one of the most powerful--I remembered it instantly. Strong, strong, strong.

#1 brought me to tears. (Seems odd to say 'thank you', but I thank you.)

This poem is moving. I especially feel for the dad, so full of blue. It kept me thinking and feeling.