Target Fixation

An Essay

by Aleksandra Crapanzano
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What a fabulous story. I applaud Ms. Crapanzo's writing and her courage.

I was delighted to see this. I took the same course about twenty years ago, because I learned to drive late and was an incredibly nervous and fearful driver. It was fun to read your account. We had a lot of same reactions. Sounds like it worked for you. It changed my life, actually. Hope it changed yours too. Thanks for writing this.

Not your ordinary driving school (they bludgeon the fear out of you, don't they, as they hone you into a well-oiled machine). And not your ordinary student driver (fearful mom morphs into femme-fatale-behind-wheels!). Kudos to Ms. Aleksandra Crapanzano for a sexy, superbly written piece. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Now where’s that favorite bugaboo of mine. Time to get behind the wheel and drive it out of my life!