
A Novel Excerpt

by Brian Kimberling
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As a boy I spent many summers visiting my maternal grandparents in Attica, Indiana. Although we lived in New York City most of the year, I was born in Williamsport, which is a few miles from Attica on the other side of the Wabash. Attica has has no hospital. The hospital in Williamsport looked like a large frame house, which it had been when it was supposedly a hideaway for one of Al Capone's henchmen.
I think my mother wanted to be near her family when she had me so I was born a native Hoosier.

Brian Kimberling's novel excerpt from Snapper brought many of the feelings I experienced during those summer visits rushing back. His simple, straightforward reminiscences mirror many I had hanging out with my friend Jimmy Small. We fished in creeks nearby, rode our bikes all over town, played ball down at the little league field and generally tried to find some fun without getting into trouble.

I greatly enjoyed the trip back to childhood days that Snapper led me on, and heartily recommend this slice of growing up in a small town in the Hoosier state. Mr. Kimberling makes the reader feel as though the characters are one's own childhood acquaintences.