Headline: Punctuation unemployment reaches record high!
Sub Head: Application of the Eldredge and Gould standard called for.
Body Copy: Me believe it a wonderful poem be
Howard Prouty replied on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 07:44am
This was a bit like wandering through a post-poetry reading Faculty Lounge drinks deal while listening to several engaging conversations at once while pretending to read the bio of the guest poet on the inordinately expensive glossy handout. I liked all of the snippets, and I was tempted to pay more attention at certain junctures, but eventually I really wanted to just finish my G&T and go home . . .
patrick murphy replied on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 02:05pm
Headline: Punctuation unemployment reaches record high!
Sub Head: Application of the Eldredge and Gould standard called for.
Body Copy: Me believe it a wonderful poem be
This was a bit like wandering through a post-poetry reading Faculty Lounge drinks deal while listening to several engaging conversations at once while pretending to read the bio of the guest poet on the inordinately expensive glossy handout. I liked all of the snippets, and I was tempted to pay more attention at certain junctures, but eventually I really wanted to just finish my G&T and go home . . .