I love good writing because it inspires me to be a better writer myself. Here's my proposal: With Wall Street fallen, why not let the Po-Biz lead our nation back to a place of trust and comfort. We could launch a 'Poem-A-Day' campaign that occurs every day, not just during National Poetry Month. The Daily Poem could be featured in big city newspapers, on blogs, in small-town papers. Maybe it could even come to us via e-mail or Twitter, the way Daily Candy does, or the New York Times. The buzz at the water cooler each morning would be, Hey, did you catch that opening line? What do you think he meant by blah...blah...blah...?
Parents could take their kids to libraries and bookstores in search of a favorite poem. Kids would carry poems to school in their backpacks. Poems would be passed on from generation to generation like favorite recipes. We would all be united by our collective belief that words really can transform us. And poets would be the new Rock Stars, sprinting across the page with their lithe athletic genius. Passionate dreaming or reality? Let's add this proposal to Obama's To-Do List. I'm sure he'll love us for it!
Mary Kennedy Eastham replied on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 05:32pm
I enjoyed this poem, it is very insightful and I'd like to read the rest. It has that childhood point of view and makes me remember what it was like to be a child. It inspires me to learn about and read poetry more often.
I am new to Merwin's work, but as a member of the graying generation, I enjoy work that looks back on who we are. Merwin reminds me that who we are has not changed, even with age, and for too long our lives have been on auto pilot.
As an occasional dabbler in rhyme, I like and support Mary Eastham's proposal. It's about time intelligence, rather than cunning, took control of human lives.
Poems about death are so difficult to write without seeming trite or banal. Merwin succeeds beautifully in writing about his father's impending death. The poem inspires awe.
Yes! Such a wonderful idea, Mary! For years I've kept a folder of my favorite poems, by various poets, that I've copied out. (I've got one of Merwin's in there.) I hope my favorite poems book gets passed on to future generations.
I love good writing because it inspires me to be a better writer myself. Here's my proposal: With Wall Street fallen, why not let the Po-Biz lead our nation back to a place of trust and comfort. We could launch a 'Poem-A-Day' campaign that occurs every day, not just during National Poetry Month. The Daily Poem could be featured in big city newspapers, on blogs, in small-town papers. Maybe it could even come to us via e-mail or Twitter, the way Daily Candy does, or the New York Times. The buzz at the water cooler each morning would be, Hey, did you catch that opening line? What do you think he meant by blah...blah...blah...?
Parents could take their kids to libraries and bookstores in search of a favorite poem. Kids would carry poems to school in their backpacks. Poems would be passed on from generation to generation like favorite recipes. We would all be united by our collective belief that words really can transform us. And poets would be the new Rock Stars, sprinting across the page with their lithe athletic genius. Passionate dreaming or reality? Let's add this proposal to Obama's To-Do List. I'm sure he'll love us for it!
One of my favorite poets—constantly pushing the boundaries of language. Always fresh and inspiring. How cool to find him here!
I enjoyed this poem, it is very insightful and I'd like to read the rest. It has that childhood point of view and makes me remember what it was like to be a child. It inspires me to learn about and read poetry more often.
I am new to Merwin's work, but as a member of the graying generation, I enjoy work that looks back on who we are. Merwin reminds me that who we are has not changed, even with age, and for too long our lives have been on auto pilot.
As an occasional dabbler in rhyme, I like and support Mary Eastham's proposal. It's about time intelligence, rather than cunning, took control of human lives.
Poems about death are so difficult to write without seeming trite or banal. Merwin succeeds beautifully in writing about his father's impending death. The poem inspires awe.
Yes! Such a wonderful idea, Mary! For years I've kept a folder of my favorite poems, by various poets, that I've copied out. (I've got one of Merwin's in there.) I hope my favorite poems book gets passed on to future generations.