I love this poem, which I found after I read Palmer's six-word story, called "After War." I was excited to see that, yes indeed, a six-word story can have a title, and that title can give a much need meaning to the conflict expressed in the six-word story. That's like having unlimited words permitted to a six-word story, but thank Goodness for that, or no writer would exploit the form. Choosing a sniper for a clean, quick ending to his life; it makes him seem so much more alive, having wishes, fears, hopes and preferences. Yes, his words are alive most of all. Thank you, H.C. Palmer.
Charlotte Harrell replied on Sun, 10/23/2016 - 07:03pm
I love this poem, which I found after I read Palmer's six-word story, called "After War." I was excited to see that, yes indeed, a six-word story can have a title, and that title can give a much need meaning to the conflict expressed in the six-word story. That's like having unlimited words permitted to a six-word story, but thank Goodness for that, or no writer would exploit the form. Choosing a sniper for a clean, quick ending to his life; it makes him seem so much more alive, having wishes, fears, hopes and preferences. Yes, his words are alive most of all. Thank you, H.C. Palmer.