This is an inspired masterwork. I lived in Tokyo for three years during the early 2000's and this story perfectly captures the quirky yet also highly regimented nuances of Japanese society. Pukka Pukka, thuck thuck indeed! Well done.
Glen Donaldson replied on Mon, 06/27/2016 - 09:36am
This is a masterfully woven piece. It dips back and forth gracefully without losing the line, the arc. It leaves a mark without a conclusive ending and that takes thought and skill.
My father left our home when I was only a young girl of eleven. I am weeping reading this story. My dad lived in Japan before he married my mother. I have stories of my own to write of how it affected me emotionally when he chose to leave. This tale is so on point. The bitter sting of regret and denial. A father holds his daughter's hand forever.
Sherry Hanson replied on Sat, 07/15/2017 - 01:58pm
This is an inspired masterwork. I lived in Tokyo for three years during the early 2000's and this story perfectly captures the quirky yet also highly regimented nuances of Japanese society. Pukka Pukka, thuck thuck indeed! Well done.
Three words. Damn. Near. Perfect.
This is a masterfully woven piece. It dips back and forth gracefully without losing the line, the arc. It leaves a mark without a conclusive ending and that takes thought and skill.
Reminded me of Haruki Murakami's work.
My father left our home when I was only a young girl of eleven. I am weeping reading this story. My dad lived in Japan before he married my mother. I have stories of my own to write of how it affected me emotionally when he chose to leave. This tale is so on point. The bitter sting of regret and denial. A father holds his daughter's hand forever.