A fresh humourous account of students on a school trip, the humour being directed against themselves rather than the people of the country they are visiting. It brings back a vivid memory of my own foray into a foreign land many years ago. The language was the reason but the unknown loomed large: how polite we were with the people we met in order not to offend those our country had been at war with only 10 years before. And how receptive the families we were staying with to our youth and the feeling of moving on together. This short memoir illustrates the importance of young people learning another language and beginning to accept differences in others’ cultures...
JENIFER EFFER replied on Thu, 04/04/2024 - 10:41am
A fresh humourous account of students on a school trip, the humour being directed against themselves rather than the people of the country they are visiting. It brings back a vivid memory of my own foray into a foreign land many years ago. The language was the reason but the unknown loomed large: how polite we were with the people we met in order not to offend those our country had been at war with only 10 years before. And how receptive the families we were staying with to our youth and the feeling of moving on together. This short memoir illustrates the importance of young people learning another language and beginning to accept differences in others’ cultures...