Shame Ol’ Lady
Mimosa Pudica: St. Mary Parish, Jamaica
Never takes much,
a fingertip’s touch, or
beak-brush of prey-
probing bird,
beak-brush of prey-
probing bird,
to trigger
survival’s minutest
nerves: to elicit such
survival’s minutest
nerves: to elicit such
cringe, and colorless blush
by which she
makes of herself
by which she
makes of herself
a sheltering purse
of frills folding in
on its prickle-
of frills folding in
on its prickle-
downed seam, her
prayer so thin
as to be silent, though seen.
prayer so thin
as to be silent, though seen.
Subequatorial native
pantropical now,
how this country
pantropical now,
how this country
does christen you:
Shame Ol’ Lady.
Shame Ol’ Lady.
the finical fronds
reemerge, a fillet
of fine green tines:
reemerge, a fillet
of fine green tines:
and what slim heed
take the reverent,
O Lady
take the reverent,
O Lady
as prayer
makes its clasp
on this next hour only.
makes its clasp
on this next hour only.
Read on . . .
“Rundown,” a poem by Jerome Ellison Murphy