Word Actress -- It's so true how much you change as a couple once you're married. It can become a kind of loving madness where you have the same disagreements over and over again expecting a different outcome. I say separate living studios coming together only for sex and fun. Sadly my husband didn't agree!
Mary Kennedy Eastham replied on Sun, 07/19/2009 - 10:42am
I am so glad you wrote this piece! I'm going through the same thing right now. Your setup to the story is brilliant, serious, yet funny and your dialogue pushes the reader straight through. Very nice.
Jennifer Russell replied on Mon, 07/27/2009 - 11:46am
Fabulous, funny, and so true. I completely get the feeling like you're having an affair . . . with your mattress!!! I can't wait to read your book. Love the voice in this piece.
D'Arcy Fallon replied on Mon, 07/27/2009 - 12:11pm
Loved your descriptions of the mattress store and salesman, Steve. Been there, done that. You nailed it. Easy to tell it's a memoir and not a made up story. . . . Your writing was a real pleasure; I read it aloud to my wife.
Thomas Scanlan replied on Mon, 07/27/2009 - 01:12pm
Wonderfully written story--I lost track of time and responsibility while I read (fortunately I turned the stove on low!) and laughed, smiled, nearly cried with the truth of it. My husband of 37 years and I are trying to figure out how to replace our 18 year old king-sized mattress--we're actually sleeping in the guest room at the present time. Earplugs and fans and low music do wonders for sleeping through the night! Thank you for a fun read that offers plenty of insight into what's important in a marriage.
Sue Armstrong replied on Mon, 07/27/2009 - 06:27pm
This is one of those stories that don't give you time to breathe until the end; then, you gasp and wonder why the story ended so abruptly, or, did it ?
Rajendra Vottery replied on Tue, 07/28/2009 - 06:12am
Great dialogue. Loved the interjection of your happy son bouncing around in the background, being nine and making himself heard to his loving but distracted parents. I also lost track of time while reading this. Thank you.
janet lofland replied on Tue, 07/28/2009 - 07:21am
Your story took me through quite a range of emotion; I felt the frustration, anger, joy and delight of childhood and younger memories, fright of anticipated disaster, then onto relief, contentment, and joy of still being in love. I loved it---one of those happy tears came to my eye.
Lorrie Morris replied on Tue, 07/28/2009 - 08:34am
A great story, beautifully written, and I love the author's sense of humor. I read it in one gulp when I should have been doing so many other things, and didn't even feel guilty. More Mattress Wars, please.
Vivienne Rowe replied on Tue, 07/28/2009 - 02:39pm
Oh my god, I love this story! Perhaps because I can relate to it, but I am amazed at your quickness with dialogue and the impeccable choice of detail. This story is common and would be common in the hands of another writer but here it is fresh and funny.
I love, love, love this--the voice, story, and the way it plunges from honesty and humor into breathtakingly serious insight. Thank you for introducing me to this writer. Her memoir is a must-read.
Well, as a woman of sixty who has been celibate and single for nearly fifteen years, I wouldn't mind having a partner to "endure." We always complain about what we take for granted. I am a writer--I work at my writing everyday but I have to work "outside" in "day jobs." Currently, the job is telemarketing. It would be grand to have someone beside me instead of just me, myself, and I in the mattress on the floor in my two room flat! My advice? Be grateful!
What a beautiful story. I love your writing style and especially this line: "I haven’t told my husband, but I’m having an affair with our mattress." Thanks for a great read!
Sharon Sim-Krause replied on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 05:50pm
Word Actress -- It's so true how much you change as a couple once you're married. It can become a kind of loving madness where you have the same disagreements over and over again expecting a different outcome. I say separate living studios coming together only for sex and fun. Sadly my husband didn't agree!
This is lovely, and I so enjoyed reading it!
This is a wonderful story. The humor, the insights, and the strong voice make it exceptional. In addition, the technique is excellent.
I am so glad you wrote this piece! I'm going through the same thing right now. Your setup to the story is brilliant, serious, yet funny and your dialogue pushes the reader straight through. Very nice.
Fabulous, funny, and so true. I completely get the feeling like you're having an affair . . . with your mattress!!! I can't wait to read your book. Love the voice in this piece.
Loved your descriptions of the mattress store and salesman, Steve. Been there, done that. You nailed it. Easy to tell it's a memoir and not a made up story. . . . Your writing was a real pleasure; I read it aloud to my wife.
Terrific. The opening made me laugh outloud (a knowing, wifely laugh) and I read every word to the end.
Wonderfully written story--I lost track of time and responsibility while I read (fortunately I turned the stove on low!) and laughed, smiled, nearly cried with the truth of it. My husband of 37 years and I are trying to figure out how to replace our 18 year old king-sized mattress--we're actually sleeping in the guest room at the present time. Earplugs and fans and low music do wonders for sleeping through the night! Thank you for a fun read that offers plenty of insight into what's important in a marriage.
This is one of those stories that don't give you time to breathe until the end; then, you gasp and wonder why the story ended so abruptly, or, did it ?
Great dialogue. Loved the interjection of your happy son bouncing around in the background, being nine and making himself heard to his loving but distracted parents. I also lost track of time while reading this. Thank you.
My husband and I just bought yet another bed---and we still can't sleep! This made me laugh out loud with recognition.
Your story took me through quite a range of emotion; I felt the frustration, anger, joy and delight of childhood and younger memories, fright of anticipated disaster, then onto relief, contentment, and joy of still being in love. I loved it---one of those happy tears came to my eye.
A great story, beautifully written, and I love the author's sense of humor. I read it in one gulp when I should have been doing so many other things, and didn't even feel guilty. More Mattress Wars, please.
Yes, a piece about spouse wars. Could go on forever. I divorced my ex over a hat.
I grinned all the way through reading the piece. Great writing. I wish I'd written it.
I love that the mattress had a name and that you were having an affair with it--especially with the memory foam! How could you not?
Your voice is superb. LOVE the apocalyptic scene on the bridge. Killed me. Happy to have found your writing.
Oh my god, I love this story! Perhaps because I can relate to it, but I am amazed at your quickness with dialogue and the impeccable choice of detail. This story is common and would be common in the hands of another writer but here it is fresh and funny.
I love, love, love this--the voice, story, and the way it plunges from honesty and humor into breathtakingly serious insight. Thank you for introducing me to this writer. Her memoir is a must-read.
Well, as a woman of sixty who has been celibate and single for nearly fifteen years, I wouldn't mind having a partner to "endure." We always complain about what we take for granted. I am a writer--I work at my writing everyday but I have to work "outside" in "day jobs." Currently, the job is telemarketing. It would be grand to have someone beside me instead of just me, myself, and I in the mattress on the floor in my two room flat! My advice? Be grateful!
Very insightful. Highly entertaining work.
Stunning piece of writing.
What a beautiful story. I love your writing style and especially this line: "I haven’t told my husband, but I’m having an affair with our mattress." Thanks for a great read!
This is a wonderful story and I'm excited to read more from this author! I'll definitely be picking up a copy of The Slippery Year.
This is pure beauty. The kind real lives are made of. Thank you for making me smile.