That Final Paper
You Want from Me

A Story

by Polly Frost
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I'm a high school English teacher, and this cracked me up. Thanks for lightening up my day!

This is spot on, as the young folks say (or is that what the young folks said a thousand years ago?) Anywhoo, as the y0ung folks say these days, that bunch of words really got me texting to all my BFF.
Congratulations on a fine piece of satire. Believe me . . . we need it!

I laughed so much I had tears in my eyes. I rushed back to my copy of The Gutenberg Elegies to commiserate with the words of Sven Birkerts's essay "The Owl Has Flown."

If our culture abandons a shared canon of literature, does our society itself become more superficial? I'm all for an evolving and more multicultural canon that includes new technological ways of communicating written art, but we shouldn't abandon our past. The problems and states of being human are complicated and full of shades of meaning. How do we learn to deal with these levels of understanding without the embrace of nuanced literature? I guess we have to laugh, if only to provide a white noise to dim the wails of loss.

I am looking for a way to post this to all my friends on FB. :)

This piece amused the hell out of me, but I'm wondering, Is it fiction or nonfiction? It's hard to tell!

I am a high school English teacher and this essay was spot on. Made me LOL. Thanks.

Such a fun read! I posted a link on Facebook and Twitter for all my friends/followers. Thanks!


Thank you all! Your comments mean so much to me. And I'm thrilled to be published in Narrative. I'm really glad you enjoyed "That Final Paper You Want from Me" and Sabrina McEvoy. I'm writing a book of stories--well, emails and textings, really--all by Ms. Sabrina. My tentative title for it is TTNT, Sabrina McEvoy: Freshman Disorientation. I wrote this story during a really tough period in my life when I thought, I'll either go to bed and stay there or write a comedy. So I chose the latter. Thank you all, again.

Indeed, Amy. This was a funny, bright, thought-provoking piece, and you nailed the underlying tone.

This is fabulous, funny, and it also makes me shudder. A great take on what we can continue to expect if we aren't careful. Let's hear it for Narrative. They showcase it all and with a flare.

There is lots of very funny stuff in here, and even a few shockingly sad moments. Good luck!