
Three Poems

Salt provokes, tenderizes. Your wounds, your dinner.

Three Poems

Three Poems

My soul is simple; it doesn’t think. Something strange paces there now.

Three Poems

A goddess was offended; her altar required my virgin blood.

Three Poems

But too much rain can translate anything to unspeakable.

Three Poems

She commands, under her breath, You must be the son.

Three Poems

The poem I can’t yet write saves itself for when it can’t be avoided.

Three Poems

David Lee

Three Poems

Beyond her ampleness, he stands a small man vanquished.

Three Poems

My mother is queen of buttons. She shows off the prized ones.

Three Poems

My lust works like the tides pulling in reverse, controlled by a simple ballast.

Three Poems

Three Poems

On a morning in November words appeared at the end of my pen.

Three Poems

Think how you move, how a room changes with your smallest breath.

Three Poems

A memory in the drip, drip, drip of the kitchen sink that won’t stop.

Three Short Pieces

All right. We are perfect. Tomorrow we will make a million dollars.

Three Stories

I tell my sister what I didn’t tell my father, I love you. Please, don’t die.

Tiger Balm and Other Poems

I know which home takes the turning, which mind washes in hot water.

Time in the Burn Ward and Other Poems

I awakened on my belly—my back a raw field from nape to heels.


My mother’s house was packed, painted, put up for sale—sold.

To Autumn

Bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees, and fill all fruit with ripeness.

To Cicero’s Hand

They cut you off, let fall your hammered silver bracelets to the sand.

To Hart Crane

Now he chuckles with the sea, stitched within its timeless jive.

To the Dirt Which in Time Will Consume Us All

I love scientists. They’re trying their hardest. And they just want love.

To the New Year

The dove calls from far away in itself to the hush of the morning


I am visited daily by unrelenting spirits evoking my accumulated flaws.

Tom Jenks on Editing The Garden of Eden

Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden was edited by Tom Jenks.


One of us broke away, cooled, and died, having never fully lived.

True Believers

Buster’s reasons for looking after Marco weren’t entirely altruistic.

Turning Fifty

And both of them standing there in late afternoon light, looking back.