We can’t wait to read your students’ work in our Tenth Narrative High School Writing Contest! A few reminders as you begin: you must fill out a new submission form for each student. Teachers are allowed to submit no more than a total of 10 student poems, stories, or letters for this year’s contest, and each school no more than 30 works in total.
Participating is easy and open to high school students grades 9–12 worldwide. Just follow the steps below.
1. Sign up for Narrative: Are you registered for Narrative?
2. Create a school/teacher profile: Now that you’re a registered member of the Narrative community, the next step is to create a submission profile for your student. (Note: each student will need a separate submission.)
4. Upload your student’s work Now that you’ve created your Student’s Contest Profile, there’s only one more step: upload your student’s entry! A reminder that submissions must be between 10 and 50 lines long (excluding the title and line breaks), while letters (essays) and stories must be no more than six hundred words. Only one submission per student.