We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


Story of the Week
She has a small solid mess of troubles she longs to upchuck.
Rules are rules. No one comes this close, this fast. Protocol reigns.
Story of the Week
I danced with Gerard until we were spinning so hard we fell down.
Story of the Week
I’ve got other plans. And they don’t center on ringnecks.
Story of the Week
Some people are so beautiful, they belong everywhere they go.
Story of the Week
A dangerous heat came from him, the heat of some interior decay.
Story of the Week
In the thickening smoke the workers clawed and flailed at one another.
Story of the Week
His chest was sweaty and his T-shirt stuck to it, bleeding black.
Story of the Week
The world is a riddle of shape and texture, from sight to smell to sound.
Story of the Week
I saw her drunk, with bleary eyes, tousled hair, and a hideous grin.
Story of the Week
The Morgan nosed her for another carrot. She petted his neck. She had loved to canter.
Story of the Week
The problem, as it turned out, is: Forever can be surprisingly short.
Story of the Week
“Well, it’s a dark world, Suzanne. She’s old enough to know that.”
Story of the Week
When nobody knows where you are, you get to talk however you want.
The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen has become the saddest.
Story of the Week
You are not a soldier, I thought. You are a dog, tail between his legs.
Story of the Week
I pictured you at Bagram Airfield in a metal coffin, quiet and still.
Story of the Week
Jack picked me up in a car with a greasy-potato sex smell.
Six-Word Stories
AnnaLee Pauls
He was caught. Of course he was caught. He was always caught.
Story of the Week
The specimen, a man oblivious, is beautiful to behold, perfect, enough.
I could not ever cease being a Catholic; I could only fall away.
Winter Contest Winners
It dawned on me my passion was not for her but for the making-up.
Narrative High School Writing Contest
I walk over to her for what seems to be an eternity. “May I have this dance?”
Story of the Week
I saw the man for the first time in Budapest on the Széchenyi Bridge.
Story of the Week
What’s wrong with easy? I mean, who wants sex to be hard work?
The judge’s mother was impossible; her mere presence was infuriating.
Story of the Week
She pictures her suitcase covered in blood, wishing for anything to happen.
Story of the Week
Crescencia knew that it was a sin to be in love with a married man.
Story of the Week
When the thugs from the bank showed, up my father laughed.