We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


Spring Contest Winners
The women wanted signs of regret, but she was straight shouldered.
Narrative High School Writing Contest
She unhooks the sapphire pendant from its stand. Slips it into her pocket.
Miriam slept at the ranch often, although little sleep happened there.
There’s no way to escape a storm at sea; it hits you, and you can’t hit back.
Story of the Week
He knew deep down that only her ridiculous optimism kept them going.
Fall Contest Winners
“My brother’s last words to me were about you. Did you know that?”
Xin Bao had gotten drunk and stolen a hyacinth macaw.
Ever since she believed he was cheating, she felt erotically obsessed.
Story of the Week
Enjoy the prison. It’s very impressive, worth spending some time!
Story of the Week
She’d ransacked his heart the moment she unlocked the door.
Riding back from her studio, Ivy thought, I’ll just stop for a minute.
You could take your pick from an array of rebellions to consider.
“Why on earth are you taking luxury cruise passengers to Zamboanga?”
Doctor Dressler left her a note: Suicide. Back by 7:00. Love, Max.
She wants something red and shiny that always works.
It’s way past 10 p.m. and we have no idea where our child is.
Dance with you? I said after a moment. That’s your dare?
She had come to the scene where she needed to get them in bed.
Was he taking them to the races? If so, they were happy to see him.
Photography & Art
Eros, myth, life, and literature in brilliant paintings by Lincoln Perry.
Story of the Week
For days after she left him, he roamed the house, unable to function.
Story of the Week
It was the stove I ran to check when the smoke alarm went off.
First-Person Winners
Mother had always told me that everybody loves a self-absorbed ass.
Story of the Week
Her top lip lingered behind, pressed between his. They were soaked.
He was reading Our Town. She studied the departure board.
Later in the pale of dawn your hair brushed across my forearm.
Story of the Week
Order and gardens. Penelope liked things to grow just as they would.
Story of the Week
Not long after Christmas, the smoke really hit Melbourne.
“Jesus Christ,” Dad said, after the counselor spelled it out for him.
A lawyer, senator, judge; laws are what he lives for. His left eye squints involuntarily.