We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
We’ve tried, but it seems it is in the stars for us to hate each other.
Story of the Week
On that still, snowy day, Mick’s neck popped like a flaming log.
She’s innocent, guilty of nothing but the need to be admired.
At straight-up noon, the honeymoon was ruined, one day in.
Story of the Week
Recently a man in my town took up residence on the football field.
Fall Contest Winners
You know how good she has always been at hiding herself.
My husband screws around. Not much and not often, but I know.
“With me for an uncle you don’t never need to be afraid of him, baby.”
Story of the Week
Even if he lost her he would never disparage her, never not love her.
Story of the Week
Now, with new orders to carry out, he’d been restored to factory settings.
Story of the Week
Clark and Robertson got a reset, and Tuyen would get a baby. But Mikey?
Story of the Week
L’chaim. To lives both bygone and ongoing, and to the truths I choose to believe.
Story of the Week
“Folks need other folks, that’s all I mean. Especially here in the Ohio.”
Story of the Week
It’s all good,” Mila says, meaning, it’s so not, her voice glass-like.
This is what he must have felt when she told him about her affair.
Story of the Week
So long as there was money, the girl felt established, and brutally proud.
El Presidente was no longer in a mood to see the American press.
Six-Word Stories
The Human Comedy: Four new six-word stories by Sherman Alexie.
Six-Word Stories
These six-worders work in a strict three-act structure, like screenplays.
Story of the Week
I went for a natural, “I look pretty even when I’m giving birth,” look.
Story of the Week
I have three girls from my previous marriages, but she beats them all.
Story of the Week
Rebecca beheld the sword which was suspended over her people.
His hands stiffened so that the fingers curled inward like gray claws.
Gurov reflected, “it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make her acquaintance.”
“We have heard that this blackened smear is art. We do not see it.”
Story of the Week
The interrogator was both man and deity, prophet and god.
Story of the Week
We backed up and I kept ripping it at his face, trying to knock his teeth out.
Story of the Week
The blood had been soaked up in sawdust—“this is hell.”
Story of the Week
Living as the last artist in Manhattan: it’s the ultimate test of commitment.