We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


Story of the Week
I hadn’t even tried. I was one of the few kids D.A.R.E. had worked on.
Story of the Week
He only told the world what the world wanted to hear from a guy who graduated from Harvard.
Story of the Week
Derek was holding a gun. The barrel was pointed at his own temple.
Sneaking was one thing, entering a bar with a someone else’s ID another.
Story of the Week
It was a Saturday night in November when his diagnosis finally came.
Story of the Week
There was no hiding; right there on my brow was a second nose.
Classics, Story of the Week
Kitty reached the age of twenty-five and was still unmarried.
Story of the Week
I managed to talk sensible Alice into a little pink outfit and high heels.
Part of me wished I’d never tried heroin. The rest wanted to be high.
Just before four in the morning, the dog barks, the headlights appear.
Story of the Week
Mafia didn’t like me, except for the tickling game. It went like this.
Story of the Week
She is eight years old and doesn’t recognize the word divorce.
Story of the Week
It had been four weeks and five days since she confronted him.
Story of the Week
Once she had loved him. When had she stopped? She did not know.
Story of the Week
I saw it on her face that day, a look like her heart would drift into the sky.
Story of the Week
“Nothing does you so much harm as being in disgrace for lying.”
Story of the Week
The little door would appear in my mind’s eye, except that now it was ajar.
Story of the Week
He’ll probably try to get her in the sack, just to stay in practice.
Story of the Week
I know quite well that I’m still a beginner and have a long way to go.
I thought fleetingly he might give it to me, as he knew I wanted it.
I had to prepare. I had to be able to save us from what was coming.
Spring Contest Winners
She must know she was a mistake, what they call now a surprise.
Story of the Week
The features of the girl in the bathing suit suggest a mixed-race origin.
What would make a sane person want to watch such blood sport?
Story of the Week
“I hope the scumbag rots in jail,” he yelled into the quiet night.
Story of the Week
If your father were here, he wouldn’t put up with your insolence.
Story of the Week
“For the entire time I was there I couldn’t get that out of my head.”
Story of the Week
One felt all the poor lady’s barriers were falling save her manner.
By chance you saw. So much had become chance in your life.