We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
Story of the Week
He resumed his nightly practice of writing without being able to see.
Story of the Week
He was last in Calcutta more than fifteen years ago, for his mother’s funeral.
Han Ru feels something vaguely discomfiting, followed by a surge of recognition.
Far below, the right fielder circles and stares, mitt raised to the sky.
I understood that for us there would be no mourning the shortstop.
She had a situation where she’d lost her driver’s license for speeding.
He glowered even as a little child. Maybe because he has your bad eyes.
We were in a play about affection. We were in a play about sex.
“Now, just what brought you down all this way?” they wanted to know.
“I’m in a Soviet tank in Siberia and I need to know if you know Nina Bowyer.”
The pain lithified to numbness, and she recalled the time of his courtship.
The first time the world demanded more of me, I was twenty-nine.
Story of the Week
It takes a strong woman to make any sort of success in the West.
Ma didn’t believe in slapping. It was what common people did.
Joanie’s face was something she’d borrowed from Miró, from Picasso.
Story of the Week
My friend Angela, who is also my roommate, got me into stripping.
Story of the Week
His looks were Russian. He was surrounded by mystery.
N30B Winners
When he kisses me, my heart flutters in my chest like swarming bees.
Story of the Week
The tomatoes weren’t there. She looked again at the ground.
Story of the Week
After nearly a year of dating, I never stopped thinking of that other boy.
Fall Contest Winners
What’s a man supposed to do when his best friend is a falcon?
Story of the Week
Never issue a dare to a dead person. They’ve got all the time in the world.
Story of the Week
If mine, then, is a religious Offence, leave it to religious Punishments.
Story of the Week
They’d been together an hour, but they were an easy threesome.
She often feels something kinetic between herself and younger men.
“As your brother, I ask you, how did you get that scar on your face?”
Story of the Week
There would be no one to live for; she would live for herself.
Story of the Week
“The secret to happiness is not wanting,” Lars told the Buddha.
He was warm that way, always tender, and maybe that’s the worst part.