We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
He glowered even as a little child. Maybe because he has your bad eyes.
Story of the Week
He was trying to seduce me with his history, which was mine as well.
Story of the Week
Her bra is black, her breasts full and white. There is too much flesh.
Story of the Week
Take this man, Stepan. His deep mellow voice soars in my heart.
Story of the Week
The people flocked to witness the execution of Ja’afar and his kinsmen.
Winter Contest Winners
He will be unable to resist his manias for symmetry and completion.
At a red light he touches his cheek. The stubbly skin is sensitive, febrile.
I found myself alone on the train in possession only of Knoll’s journal.
He was ready to move on, to touch his patients, to cut them open.
Winter Contest Winners
No parent has yet been born who can save a child from childhood.
Story of the Week
“I—I am Martin Eden,” Martin began. (“And I want my five dollars.")
Story of the Week
We were young and lived wild lives in the delightful city of our sojourn.
Story of the Week
Her sentiments maudlin, malaise dripped like a fever from her pores.
Story of the Week
The three of us share a myth, that I’m fragile as old bones.
My parents speak in low voices—about me, I’m pretty sure.
I watch the waitress, trying to remember how to flirt. I take off my mask.
Fall Contest Winners
He pushed aside a photograph of a man with a knife stuck in his eye.
Story of the Week
He cut down on beer and moved into the hotel that had my name.
When I think on it, I can’t believe I’m going to kill two people over weed.
Story of the Week
The golden-haired ones, they think they’re better than Virgin Mary.
Story of the Week
“Hey, you look lost,” the hunter had said. “You better come with me.”
Story of the Week
The boys searched for their father, lost somewhere in the Olympic Range.
Story of the Week
She wonders if he will be all right. She assumes he has four-wheel drive.
N30B Winners
You never see Westerners, so you don’t think of them as human beings.
He didn’t mind, he insisted, that he loved her more than she loved him.
Story of the Week
Somebody would be a lot happier if she were more like her mother.
Story of the Week
Say what you will, a human being has the right to their own body.
Fall Contest Winners
Owen’s head throbbed, his ears ached, and an anvil sat on his chest.
My mother and I remained apart. My father came late to the party.