We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


Short Shorts
The Wolf put on a great performance, crawling around on the stage.
Yes, the race of children possesses magically sagacious powers!
“That pool,” Kenny said, breathing harder. “I’m telling you, it’s magic.”
Story of the Week
I push the stroller across the courts to the scene of the thing I don’t get.
How can anyone imagine sleep is possible in such a time?
Story of the Week
Lynette had stepped on something sharp. There was blood.
Fall Contest Winners
She’s young and lovely in a mad, disheveled way, and hard to resist.
Story of the Week
“Why, Ma? I don’t understand. I just don’t want you to be alone.”
The surface of night is disrupted. Ripples cross the neighborhood.
Story of the Week
She was laughing. Something animal in me was sparked, and I chased her.
Edward the Funny didn’t have much to laugh about in his midthirties.
Story of the Week
I’m on the verge of a breakdown. So I might as well have another child.
Fall Contest Winners
“You see,” Sister Elba said, smiling, “you should never doubt him.”
Story of the Week
Eleanor was the first normal person my brother, Nick, ever dated.
Classics, Story of the Week
She came from the most worthless of all classes—the rich.
Just some wine, Ellie told herself. Just to prove she wasn’t chicken.
Story of the Week
The blade was buried to the hilt in the outside corner of his left eye.
She heard the lowing of cattle, shouting, the crack of whips.
He was regarded as a visionary and a fool in almost equal measure.
Here is my father on the last day of his exceptionally long life.
Story of the Week
I pictured myself as a chart inside her head. Two sides: good and bad.
Story of the Week
I’ve made a rigorous effort. But it’s been hard, this hug embargo.
Story of the Week
I bought the gun after my therapist said he wouldn’t have sex with me.
Story of the Week
“Listen,” Mike said. “You’ve had a hard day. How about I drive you home?”
Story of the Week
I will never know what my mother guessed or didn’t suspect.
Six-Word Stories
A political tragedy you won’t lose any sleep over, told in just six words.
Rina Piccolo
Story of the Week
People didn’t end marriages without warning, without second chances.
Story of the Week
“Your mom is awake,” I said. “You need to go in and see her.”
Winter Contest Winners
To be married is to learn to love, captive in your own new country.