Narrative poses ten questions about writing, obsession, life, and love.
Lynn Ahrens
Narrative 10
Never repeat rhymes, not once in an entire show.
Monica Ali
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At the age of twelve I knew how to lose myself in a book.
Jo Ann Beard
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I got to be the higher power, looking down on mice and friends.
Ann Beattie
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Time will say nothing but I told you so.
Jill Bialosky
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She’s informed so much of my being, for better or worse.
Amy Bloom
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I have a soft spot for Trollope’s dreadful Lizzie Greystock.
Chris Bohjalian
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I try to be at my desk by 7:45 or 8 a.m., and I write until early afternoon.
Vikram Chandra
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A friend of my father’s once told me, “You’ll never be a writer.”
David Corbett
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I’ve found that love has provided my life’s happiest moments.
Lacy Crawford
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What I wanted was to release my peers from their shame.
Justin Cronin
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My best ideas come when I’m aerobically hypnotized.
Liza Donnelly
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In life, my favorite character is my husband.
Andre Dubus III
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I don’t own a smartphone and never will. I’ve never sent a text.
Carol Edgarian and Tom Jenks
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Narrative was a dream we brought forth in perfect idleness.
Jennifer Egan
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“The role of the artist is to not look away.”
Nathan Englander
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As much as I worry now, I wish I knew to worry less then.
Lynn Freed
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All true laughter has tears behind it.
Allegra Goodman
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My grandmother warned—don’t force your muse.
Adam Haslett
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Art doesn’t conform to a capitalist’s ratio of productivity to time.
Sara Houghteling
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I wish I had thought to write down my father’s stories.
Vanessa Hua
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No one will care as much as you do.
R. O. Kwon
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I’m hellbent on avoiding unintentional repetitions.
Don Lee
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The Great Gatsby had an awful, detrimental effect on me.
Marie Myung-Ok Lee
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What’s the most useful criticism you’ve received? “Keep writing.”
Min Jin Lee
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I once heard in a sermon, “Choose the important over the urgent.”
Daniel Mason
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Obidicut, Hobbididence, Mahu, Modo, Smulkin, and Turlygod.
Ottessa Moshfegh
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Being creative is an act of love between you and the world.
Maud Newton
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I usually get my best writing done at night or at the close of day.
Peggy Orenstein
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I love talking to girls. That’s why I’ve written so much about them.
Susan Orlean
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I started reading it again before I had even finished it.
Julie Otsuka
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For lasting love, I’ve always relied on the friendship of women.
Ann Packer
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Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Note the comma in his name.
Paisley Rekdal
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2018 Utah Poet Laureate
The story of racism does not simply happen to people of color.Sarah Ruhl
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Who, after all, is fully recovered from life?
Saïd Sayrafiezadeh
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Every day is a writing day, or at least a potential writing day.
Will Schwalbe
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When you are around comedians, stop trying to be funny.
Dani Shapiro
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I know now not to measure my insides against others’ outsides.
Austin Smith
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I love Nedra in James Salter’s Light Years.
David L. Ulin
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Favorite character? What a question. It’s like choosing a favorite child.
Ocean Vuong
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2019 MacArthur Fellow
2015 Narrative Prize Winner