The Langham Club

A Story

by Spencer Wise
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This is the first time I've ever actually laughed out loud while reading. Ever. She needs her fried food under the moose heads!

Thanks, Katie! So glad you enjoyed it.

Me too, laughed out loud, not about fried food under a moose head, but several other lines. Loved the hair description, "her dark lush hair in a bun." Worked at a country club here in Virginia when young - in the office one summer, at the snack bar at the golf course two others. Wow . . . was that a place for stories that would blow your head off!
Loved this story and your writing style. Good luck for future success. I will remember your name as my maternal grandmother was Virginia Alberta Spencer from Oak Ridge and Shipman, Virginia.

Hi Shelby, I'm delighted that you enjoyed the story. So nice to hear from you.