Coming of Ageexpand_moreHe knows what she’s seeking, and he knows she won’t find it.
That’s why Mam drinks whiskey. That’s why he drinks whiskey too.
Why do girls want to cheerlead? Don’t they know it objectifies women?
He doesn’t notice the cop car rolling slow-motion into the station.
I believed in department stores the way I believed in Germany.
Mina sees, very clearly, Tony Salvatore looking up her gaping shirt.
Why does she do it? She knows cutting yourself is a joke. Goth, idiotic.
The man protested, I didn’t do anything. He needed the job. I only kissed her.
“Ten lo,” she says when you’ve finished. Have it.
My advice can be succinctly expressed in three words: Persist, persist, persist!
When a cobra eats it starts with the head, goes to the place that thinks.
She knew what boys can do to girls: if the girls are alone, and helpless.
Pete gazes into his mother’s soul and finds a piece of smoldering coal.
At first my dad was optimistic that he could be a one-armed farmer.
The engineers seemed ripe for mockery, some more than others.
“Bo? I need you to be a big boy now,” she said. “Are you ready?"
Nobody knows where I am, Ned thought. No one in the whole world.
It’s hard to say why Marlee wears the bridesmaid’s dress to work today.
I saw my mother’s face turn dark like the winter sky before a storm.
When and why had I begun to think about Ingrid Stoltz? She was a bitch.
Under skin, I can see her beating heart frantic as a trapped toad—
“Are all the girls really beautiful? Is it true you make out in the showers?”
Lindy knew what happens in the dark behind shut doors: girls tell stories.
“Mom, don’t you think the fucking racism is worse than my profanity?”
When I grow up I want to be one of the horses of the Apocalypse.
“Get the hell off my car,” she yelled, and the kids scattered like fish.
I stepped down painfully on my cracked ankle and nearly fell.
That’s what I want, to feel terrified, excited, and free, all at once.
“Leaving for war, Hayes wept. He didn’t just cry; he wept...”