
The Soup

Chase Twichell

The Spooning and the Fork

This would not be a wooing meal. I was cooking my man into submission.

The Swallow

Take this man, Stepan. His deep mellow voice soars in my heart.

The Tale of the Three Apples

The people flocked to witness the execution of Ja’afar and his kinsmen.

The Tracks

No parent has yet been born who can save a child from childhood.

The Traveling Onion

It is right that tears fall for something small and forgotten. And I would never scold the onion for causing tears.

Three Poems

Let’s walk down to the river, bless the paper boats and turn it all into wine.

Three Poems

Three Poems

My mother is queen of buttons. She shows off the prized ones.

Three Stories

I tell my sister what I didn’t tell my father, I love you. Please, don’t die.


My own hunger was for a reduction in the vast space between people.


My own hunger was for a reduction in the vast space between people.

Two Poems

Two Poems

A simple line of raging wet nearby, how as a kid I pictured the Nile.

Two Poems

The waves of laughters breach an inlet of cumulus and I’m excited.

Two Poems

After you have read all you possibly can there may be a few lines left.

Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen

It is the one day that is purely American. Yes, a day of celebration.

Upon Asking the Cashier at Kroger to Scan That Old Tattoo of a Barcode on My Forearm

Turns out my body’s a dollar sweet potato, her screen said.

Ursula granger and i walk mulberry row during bottling season

ursula says she’s seen everyone she loves in an apple, save herself.

Villa Palms

Today the game was to try to catch one of the cats in a pillowcase.

Wednesday Afternoon at the Eight-Ball Saloon

Someone seems to have made an excellent age-specific insight.

What They Found

Her city, but no cats. Specks of color, no cloth.

Where Is My Boy?

The war was about to begin, and the four boys were
in charge.

Where Tourists Don’t Go

While they stand in line Robin leans into his chest. They don't talk.

Where’s the Beauty, Jimmy?

It’s like his bottom half is not man but a strong horse.

White Fish

There isn’t a nice Jewish boy in sight—not that I’m looking for one.

Why I Don’t Want to Live Forever

I make a point of smelling the lilac every day that first week in May.

Winnipesaukee and Other Poems

No one was awake and I was hungover young as clean as a piano.

Wintercearig Waltz and Other Poems

You and the cat wish I were baking pumpkin pie and we were happier.

Your First Date

You slouched on the couch, naked, in front of the air conditioner.