
The Last Days of Monkey Zak: Part 1

Even if he lost her he would never disparage her, never not love her.

The Little Weaver of Duleek Gate

It was up airly and down late with him, and the loom never standin’ still.

The Lives of Philosophers

He cannot imagine the shape his life would take without her.

The Lonely

I tell her I’m a woman now, that my boobs just popped in.

The Long-Lost Love Letters of Doc Holliday

The sense of power that flights of temper evoke will betray you.

The Man Arguing in the Kitchen

Five dark shapes loped after the car. Dogs—as far as the eye could see.

The Manzanos

I am eleven years old and too young to die, but I am dying nonetheless.

The Manzanos

I am eleven years old and too young to die, but I am dying nonetheless.

The Mines at Potosí, Bolivia

He handed us sticks of dynamite, rolled in wax paper like taffy.

The Monkey’s Face and Other Poems

The face of love is a poem I am writing in an air-conditioned room.

The Mountains of Korea and Other Poems

He whispers words that sound as miraculous as the skinned fish of the clouds my father writhed like pentecostal snakes while he drove drunk

The Murder

He always talked of making money with the air of a connoisseur.

The Mustache

“I mean it, Martín. I won’t marry a man with a bald lip, like a boy.”

The Nature of Nostalgia

Our visions of the world fade like the morning star, lost in the light of day.

The Order They Died In

It was a Saturday night in November when his diagnosis finally came.

The Prayer Book

I thought fleetingly he might give it to me, as he knew I wanted it.

The Psychic’s House

Meghan Dunn

The Recording Angel

Years they sought her, whose crew left on the water a sad Welsh hymn.

The Religious Experience

“For the entire time I was there I couldn’t get that out of my head.”

The Return

He resumed his nightly practice of writing without being able to see.

The Session

Joanie’s face was something she’d borrowed from Miró, from Picasso.

The Shape of God

I hold on to the shape of a star the way my aunts hold on to Jesus’s gown.

The Sin of Height

What humanity needed was that gravity-defying miracle, the bird.

The Speech of Miss Polly Baker

If mine, then, is a religious Offence, leave it to religious Punishments.

The Stand-In

They’d been together an hour, but they were an easy threesome.

The Strange Detective

“The secret to happiness is not wanting,” Lars told the Buddha.

The Surfers at San Clemente Pier, September 2021

The local madman’s been here even longer, lying across the sidewalk. It’s no sin, all who hurry past his babble: no word-salad unlocks God.

The Sympathy of Angels

We see how tired you are as you lean on your rifle or your shovel.

The Tale of the Three Apples

The people flocked to witness the execution of Ja’afar and his kinsmen.

The Treatment of Bibi Haldar

Her sentiments maudlin, malaise dripped like a fever from her pores.