
Dear America

Dear Fox

The mistake you make with this man is, you wait around for him.

Dear Jesse Helms

And jesse, the smart bombs do not recognize the babies.

Dear John and Other Poems

Please look away from Mars dangling so angry in so much darkness.

Death Comes at the End

Tana Wozcjuk

Death in the Woods

He got his wife off a German farmer, for whom he went to work one day.

Death Went into the Place

Death pointed the gun in his socket and blew off some of his skull.

Death’s Hors d’Oeuvres

I like to take little sips of the horror, morsels of poisoned meat.


Ira and Ada are stepsiblings. Within a month they were sleeping together.


“Then I can promise to kill either of you if I ever see you again.”

Decoy Project

Atomic bomb. How could those two words be said together?


Diane Kirsten Martin

Demonic Possession Is 9/10 of the Law

If the landlord tells you not to hang a mirror in that room, do not.

Denaturalization: An Elegy for Mr. Vaishno Das Bagai, an American

Sometimes they revert to trickery, apple their venom with a smile.


What was happening? All she wants is for Teddy to fuck her silly.

Dennis Lambert

Lambert started to cry and said he was sure there was a God.

Derby Day

I felt awful about imposing on him, but I was desperate to see the Derby.

Descending and Ascending

I saw her bed wasn’t slept in and knew—something had happened.


Despair: Janet Burroway’s first Narrative Magazine six-word story.

Devil’s Child

“You are too young for politics, too beautiful for a jail cell.”


Not every fate was alike. Not everyone ended up paired off in love.

Dido and the Lottery

God doesn’t punish wrongdoing. Rewards multiply if tended to in secret.

Dim Lighting at the Afterparty

I was creating art instead of counting beans like everyone else.

Distance of Closeness

“Silence can be difficult, and we’re silent the whole time,” she said.


The pictures were taken in the woods, naked from the waist down.

Do I Know You?

She had instinct for seeing what she could make happen.


I wanted to tear away at the fabric of my pants, dig open my skin.

Donald Hall

I didn’t know I would be any good. But I knew I wanted to be a poet.


“There’s got to be some way through this,” he says, “without losing her.”

Don’t Beat My Sister

The human heart is far more intricate than any single term can describe.