

The night before my mother’s double mastectomy, we went skinny-dipping.

Great Falls

Walking on Canal Street, I slipped on the curb and fell on my face.

Grendel’s Mother to the Spear Danes

you cut through brush with the iron edge you push before you


Somehow my confession became a sharp knife I kept hidden in a drawer.

Hand-Me-Down Halloween

The year we left the reservation a white boy gave me a trash bag.


The canary-yellow sweater she knit while pregnant with me thawed first.


She has a small solid mess of troubles she longs to upchuck.

Heart’s Desire

Children were driven by deep yearnings that should be satisfied.

Her Lazy-Brained Boy

The world is a riddle of shape and texture, from sight to smell to sound.


The problem, as it turned out, is: Forever can be surprisingly short.


He was caught. Of course he was caught. He was always caught.


I know what it means to be born in one life and meant for another.

Horn Gate and Other Poems

Rays burst from behind the mountain, sweep the broad beach.

How I Left a Life of Crime and Came to America

We were aiming for a complete transformation of society.

How It Is

He doesn’t have to lie about oatmeal. That’s the way things are for him.

How to Talk to Your Mother

Ask your mother about babies. Ask her about the baby that died.

I Did Like Butter

It had always been this way. Mothering, for my mother, was a cameo role.

I Dye Her Hair on Saturdays

My brush dissects her slick-back black hair to expose ugly white.

I Miss Somebody Still Alive and Other Poems

On Saturdays I listen to folk music, lead a life devoted to exodus.

Ice Cream

“The other kids. They’re making ice cream. I’ll show you, come on.”


Marie was Indian, and everything Indian required patience.

If for the Flies

Instead, I touch: The powdered organ. The thief-shaped hole.

If Holden Caulfield Were a Mother

Children can be seen as worldly things, not as souls with broken mirrors.

If I Could Speak Chinese

On the small of my daughter’s back is a two-inch tattoo. MADE IN CHINA.

If the Body Makes a Sound

Silence, a weapon of choice, hung between them, cut through the air.

In a Jar

My father then got partials implanted, which were later punched out.

In Eulogies

When you are a father, want sons. There is some math in this.

In Passing

The ashes of a human being are not ash. The body burns into wood.

In the Car before School

She’d do anything once, to know what it was like.


He picked up the knife I had there, and said he’d kill me if ever I told.