

That year, the mail would arrive as white as warning, as flashing teeth.


Splayed toes adhesive on a whitewashed wall, ghost-tattoo.

Genesis and Other Poems

Imagine being able to calm the one you love best, who loves you best.

Genuine Fakes and Other Poems

It’s the human genius of reproducing not quite exactly.

Ghazals for the Body

What I want is a woman who knows all the meanings of indulgence.

Gifts for a Beautiful Body and Other Poems

Perhaps the only way to see a whole body is to see one coming out of you.

Girl Friend

Such longings: Errant. Verdant. To have a good time. And dream.

Girl in Red

Instead, she stares right at us, her shoulder half-naked in broad daylight.

Given Such Options

She couldn’t have carried knowledge their kind would soon be extinct. The sediment came when it did, sealing them in their varied positions.


This skinny blonde steps on the stage in a skimpy Balinese costume.

God Forgive Me, I Like the Drama of Watching

Brain an inkblot liquor stain until the heroine blinks the coma away.

God, Gods, Powers, Lord, Universe—

Just give me a small joy, say, the size of a ketchup packet.


Her knees seemed about to give way, and he quickly grabbed her elbow.

Grand Island, Nebraska

There was a ladder planted dead center in a field of high, thin grass.


The night before my mother’s double mastectomy, we went skinny-dipping.

Grass Moon and Other Poems

You are home in your bed like a soft animal with really intense feelers.

Grave Clothes

I wonder why I feel bound to the gray-dry skin of you, the barrenness of feet.

Great Falls

Walking on Canal Street, I slipped on the curb and fell on my face.


A scene from the night before comes rushing forward like a dream.

Grendel’s Mother to the Spear Danes

you cut through brush with the iron edge you push before you

Ground Squirrels

Oh, won’t you lie here darling whistlepigs, here, curled at my side?

Guests of Gravity

Picture the thing you want most. True love? A new car? Let it go.

Gwendolyn, or Shame Intruding Briefly on Guilt

The barman emanated paranoia, the male customers sat introspecting.

Hand-Me-Down Halloween

The year we left the reservation a white boy gave me a trash bag.


The story of Wing Biddlebaum’s hands is worth a book in itself.

Hands No Longer Mine

Your life is your own and then suddenly it belongs to someone else.

Harder and Other Poems

Pummel nests from limbs and drown the furred things in their dens.


Mom could have been an acre away, or doe-still behind the next stalk.

Havana 2012

Havana, Cuba, on the inevitable cusp of change. A photo gallery.

Heart Songs

A dangerous heat came from him, the heat of some interior decay.