
Poet’s Work

Grandfather advised me: learn a trade. I learned to sit at a desk.

Portrait of the Cartoonist as a Woman

My mother taught me to rebel within the boundaries of acceptability.

Portraits of American Poets

Preparing the Body for Viewing

A real or imagined boundary, crossed. End of the line. Lined out.

Prison Nights, Winter Nights

You can’t ask her not to fall in love when she does it on a daily basis.

Publishing Partners: The First Eight Books, 1970–1985

They don’t dance but simply monitor our movements, like bodyguards.


How did the light take forty years to work its way across that room.

Quiver and Other Poems

It wasn’t the bees I thought to tell but wasps the evening you died.


The Interests of a writer and the interests of his readers are never...

Reading Auden (Christmas Morning, 2021)

You sounded so confident about the Old Masters and I loved you for that.

Reading from His Story “Screenwriter”

As soon as her grandparents left, BLAM, the dance in her died.

Reading from His Story “Screenwriter”

My first suicidal ideations occurred to me when I was ten, eleven, twelve.

Reading His Poetry

A little music. An empty bottle of whiskey. It’s a little like cheating.

Reading His Poetry

All down my street the new fathers beat the kingness out of the kings.

Reading His Poetry

A little music. An empty bottle of whiskey. It’s a little like cheating.

Reading His Poetry

Our crowns are made of dead hair and get swept out with the trash.

Reading His Poetry

Words appear like the answer to a question I hadn’t yet asked.

Reading Hrabal

The Warsaw Pact invaded in 1968 and soon banned Hrabal’s work.

Reading, Writing, and Leaving Home

Real Trees Are a Different Matter

I have tried and failed to renew my vows to real trees whom I love.

Redemption Song, Part Three

The suite cost as much as a two-pound brick of Panama Red.

Redemption Song, Part Two

I floated in the tub, my head bobbing, until I felt slick as a seal.


I was bold, even reckless, in what I wrote, and in how I wrote it.

Reynolds Price

Roman Couplets and Other Poems

I am left with little Rome for error. I choose wrong, then I revise.


Brassy bullets fell against the floral comforter like little candies.

Salter on Salter

What counts in the long run is pleasure in conversation with each other.

Secret and Suggestion in Peter Taylor’s “Allegiance”

Peter Taylor’s stories are jigsaw puzzles of nuance and suggestion.

Secret Papers

The lock surrendered, after a short struggle, to the poker.

Sedna in Space

It takes you more than ten thousand years to orbit the sun.