We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.
“Look in my eyes. Do I look like someone who has heard this story?”
Story of the Week
The wild-eyed horse was more a figure of nightmare than dream.
Story of the Week
Throwing the El Camino into drive, he roared down the mountain road.
Story of the Week
1908. The puppet’s name is Sambo. Oh what a friendly boy he looks to be!
Story of the Week
“She’s just a girl,” Sarah’s mother said. “A very, very young girl.”
He had dreamed of being a front-runner, someone who changed lives.
Story of the Week
By the end of my trip to St. Thomas, I had discovered a reason to live.
Winter Contest Winners
When we move together in the dark I can almost get to him but I turn back.
Story of the Week
Had he been a man, we could’ve saved his life right then and there.
Fall Contest Winners
Her body too, a mystery in motion. But does she own her body?
Spring Contest Winners
She alone knew how he could be swept up, tender interior laid bare.
Six-Word Stories
Six-word stories about the the perplexities of love and desire.
Story of the Week
If he was cheating on her, he was cheating on her paintings as well.
Story of the Week
It never occurred to me that I was being sold too, standing inside my box.
Basil was annoyed. All that training he’d given me going to waste on art?
I’ve been selling cigarettes, I said, as if it were a credential.
Story of the Week
You put his hand around your throat but he keeps moving it away.
Story of the Week
I saw myself, and for the first time, I didn’t look away.
Story of the Week
It seemed that someone had died, but really it was part of us.
It was to keep us impartial and to protect us from threats and bribes.
Story of the Week
Sarah let herself be guided by her desire, inescapable and true.
Winter Contest Winners
I found it impossible to forget that we lived in a poor country.
Story of the Week
The thumbnail spoke directly to the most excitable parts of himself.
Story of the Week
“Dorm whores” his roommate calls them. They come for the booze.
Story of the Week
The shapes called them bastard loads. The lazy creations of fools.
Spring Contest Winners
“In a way, it’s your fault,” he says, handing us a bag of frozen peas.
He’d reenlisted in ’64; he would not go home until the War was won.
Story of the Week
Her hips, her pelvis, broke free of concerns. His eyes hovered.
Story of the Week
“Hey, babe,” he said, breathing into the phone like a sex maniac.
I love you to distraction, she would say. I love you beyond love.
Story of the Week
Welcome, the place seemed to say, let’s screw with you a little more.