Poem of the Week
- My Two Wild Hands
- Navel to Knee
- Harvest
- Three Children Covered Half
by a Thumb - Love and Farewell
- You Never Told Me If There Was Any Moon in Baltimore
- From “Spring”
- The Feast of Saint Francis
- Shepherd, Shepherd
Where Are You? - Peace in Autumn
- Meeting My Nieces on Zoom to Watch Animal Live-Cams
- Intercourse
- What This Elegy Wants
- For a Liberation of Bees
- When My Brother Tells Me I'm Obsessed with Sadness
- Second Gratitude
- Likeness Makes Its Solitary Way Seeking the Lost Whole
- Poem to My Child,
If Ever You Shall Be - Natural World
- Another Pastoral
- From Here
- Nostalgia in February
- Stops and Starts
- After Calling Your Detective’s Discontinued Number
- Coracle Means a Small Vessel,
a Boat - Prayer
- Giant Looks Giant in the Mirror
- Giant Learns to Play Basketball
- Summer at North Farm
- Lipstick Bathroom
- Sunday Night in the Convent
- Autumn Reverie
- When I Think of Early Romance
I Think of Fishing - Sins of Omission
- A New National Anthem
- Vernal Equinox
- The Poultry Trader’s Daughter Inherits the Business
- God Forgive Me, I Like the
Drama of Watching - Resolution
- Amherst Ballad Four
- After Nazim Hikmet’s
“Things I Didn’t Know I Loved” - Forest Horse
- Day of the Dead
- Carmelita/Michael
- I Want to Be Jeff Goldblum
- On a Late June Evening
in My Driveway - Snow Valley
- Ursula granger and i
walk mulberry row during
bottling season - Teshuvah
- A Practical Mom