
Free Food for Millionaires

You don’t know what it’s like to be so hungry that you’d steal to eat.

Free Food for Millionaires

Her biggest secret was Jay Currie—her white American boyfriend.

From A Red Cherry on a White-Tiled Floor

Like lions in cages, women like me dream . . . of freedom . . .

From A to Z

Youth! Goodness! Joy! Hope! Strange things to bring to a place like this.

From After Love

With these fingers, afraid and aware, I stroke your delicate skin.


i silenced with my hands the loud wet thing that would not let me sleep

From Deluge

I bled. God didn’t want to hear about it. He said unclean and so it was.

from long life hotel

i learned to save lives from a man who reminded me of my father

From The Erotic Philosophers

It was our flesh with its deadly sweetness that led them on.

From “Someone”

Your hand on my nightgown, my soft places. I wish you wouldn’t do that.

Gaudeamus Igitur

The sloshed grownups had little to say to me. I loved it that I was alien.


I wish I could tell him he’s not going to hell. It would be so freeing for him.

Ghazals for the Body

What I want is a woman who knows all the meanings of indulgence.


Her knees seemed about to give way, and he quickly grabbed her elbow.

Grass Moon and Other Poems

You are home in your bed like a soft animal with really intense feelers.


A scene from the night before comes rushing forward like a dream.

Grendel’s Mother to the Spear Danes

you cut through brush with the iron edge you push before you

Gwendolyn, or Shame Intruding Briefly on Guilt

The barman emanated paranoia, the male customers sat introspecting.


The story of Wing Biddlebaum’s hands is worth a book in itself.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Blumenstrauss

Hello, women rising up against toxic men. I salute you. And I apologize.

Harder and Other Poems

Pummel nests from limbs and drown the furred things in their dens.


Mom could have been an acre away, or doe-still behind the next stalk.


I’ve got other plans. And they don’t center on ringnecks.

Hermes in West Hollywood

He tries to appear slight in his leather jacket and turbulent jeans.

Hermione Lee

Lee has taken on several of the great novelists of the past century.


I remember the sun on the mountain like a trembling drop of lava. When the lasso dancers were done, they kicked away like wild colts.

Hidden Dangers of Camping

“Well, it’s a dark world, Suzanne. She’s old enough to know that.”

Higher Authority

That piece of flesh you’re with is a high school student, a minor.

Home Help

It dawned on me my passion was not for her but for the making-up.

Horse & Rider, Part 1

This kind of heart-wrenching love was different from all the others.