Gender & Sexualityexpand_moreso easily impressed when wet / so easy / to see through when turned / off
The proper qualities of each sex are eternally surprising to the other.
I needed more. I worked her lips back and wedged my hand in.
Joshua was well versed in things to which I was not yet privy, like sex.
The architect is twice my age and owns an ivy-covered house.
The beer and the kissing and the lateness of the hour had got to me.
She was wanting to be noticed as a person not wanting to be noticed.
Doctor, he devoted. When she poorly, he bring her mint tea in bed.
I say aria, scale of the day, weigh each square foot she’s kept up.
In my eyes is the flame of the adolescent he wants to hire.
Who know fear is an aphrodisiac & nothing is scarier than time.
Once I took it in my mouth, I had to admit pity tastes like sandwiches.
Cory only hires stoners so he has something on them if they try blackmail.
“She showed me her tits,” said Jimmy. “Bullshit!” said Frank.
My mother taught me to rebel within the boundaries of acceptability.
Art is a way for the mind to master the body, even if it is not one’s own.
I’m tired of the song the rain sings in June, the chorus of hope.
Forgive me, please, for continuing to believe that roses are beautiful.
I used to be known for the humor of my music, the lightness of touch.
Here I am, king of the gods, making a fool of myself just to get under your gown.
All day we lay on the bed, my hand stroking the deep gold of your thighs.
I floated in the tub, my head bobbing, until I felt slick as a seal.
For a moment I had the delicious feeling of fitting in without even trying.
Walking through the snow with her was enough, quiet enough.
Her previous existence seemed unreal, now, a faint rumor.
When he asks me if I’m ready, I don’t even know what he means.
Remember that innocence is risky, memory inconclusive.
Kenny Wade makes do with short-term schemes and part-time work.