
We Are What We Have Lost

Ella knew she hadn’t hurt Sebastian, but she knew she’d betrayed him.

We Named Our Dogs After Liquor

You live in this country, you put up bars, you train your dogs to snarl.


I miss sex. I really liked it, and I was good at it, if I do say so myself.

What It Requires

I am part dumb, and blind, and deaf, and untasting and unfeeling.

What Would You Have Me Do?

We’d never had a cross word, but I’d never corrected him.

White Fish

There isn’t a nice Jewish boy in sight—not that I’m looking for one.

White Moon Rising

I never actually existed. I didn’t know it at the time, but it’s clear as day.

Winnipesaukee and Other Poems

No one was awake and I was hungover young as clean as a piano.

Wintercearig Waltz and Other Poems

You and the cat wish I were baking pumpkin pie and we were happier.

Without Courtesy

I was lying with electricity. I was already a story being told.

won’t you celebrate with me

won’t you celebrate with me that every day has tried to kill me

You Can’t Keep Going Like This

Not the Olympics, the guard said. Just chuck yourself down the tube.

Your First Date

You slouched on the couch, naked, in front of the air conditioner.


“O youth! The strength of it, the faith of it, the imagination of it!”