
Pia Outloud

Picnic Point

The fish’s eye is mangled, tugged inward; blood leaks from its gills.

Pig Shit Cannon

The Renaissance mastered the illusion of depth on a flat plane.

Poems from OBIT

Death is our common ancestor. It doesn’t care who we have dined with.

Praying Naked and Other Poems

Forgive me, please, for continuing to believe that roses are beautiful.


He folds on himself like a sheet kicked off the foot of a bed.

Python in a Grand Piano

Something basks and gathers in the dark parts of an open ear.


You can call it karma if you can see that far, or joy-begets-sorrow.

Reading Her Poetry

Better to be a bird without altitude. Or to get out of the game early.

Reading Her Poetry

I was once a rider of mastodons, a waitress showing skin.

Reading His Poetry

Our crowns are made of dead hair and get swept out with the trash.

Reading Rilke and Other Poems

The men here don’t know where to place me, call me exotic grail.

Reasons to Go On

Because grass sprouts from the stump’s rings like tiny soldiers.


For a moment I had the delicious feeling of fitting in without even trying.

Reflections on How Writers Make a Living

Our culture cherishes a fantasy of a certain writerly existence.

Reflections on Newtown: No Safe Place

If it were fiction, calling the place Newtown would be too much.


Someone’s walk is pretty much who they are, from the beginning.

Reynolds Price

Roanoke Rapids

I hear Tchaikovsky when I close my eyes and pretend I’m flying.

Running the Table

There was an intimacy to the sound that thrilled me.

Sad Little Outlaw

I was always being left behind in the mud, a bandage around my eyes.

Salt Lick

Salt lick inquest skill-step stalks. All flit, vanish: footfall’s fault.


Throwing the El Camino into drive, he roared down the mountain road.


The alert says Warning: Wild Exotic Animals Loose.

Say Something about Child’s Play

Like a bird with a broken wing I will smudge the line of the hopscotch.

Self-Portrait With & Without

You have to be three times better than the white kids, at everything.

Senior Spring

I saw myself, and for the first time, I didn’t look away.

Senior-Year Psychology

The sex in these fantasies was always a product of love.

Shelf Space

I read cookbooks the way I do poetry, with a willingness to be transported.

Shirley Hazzard

We have mysterious inclinations. No one can explain it to us.