

Do we hunger after conflict as much as we hunger after justice?


they released themselves so knowingly into the soft wet air

Keep Away

“Is that your banana?” the short cop asked her.


They were such dummkopfs they kicked out the Jews.

Kristina, Goodbye

I imagined myself magnanimous, but now I see. I have been cruel.


No one in Lagos slouches. Bravado pulsates through the room.


Lean close and kiss each other: dig down as far as down goes.

Landscapes with Lester

I made him love me. To feel abandonment—again.

Learning to Be Still

All afternoon it rains on the traffic outside my window. It’s nothing new.

Learning to Write

I came to computers while trying to run away from literature.

Learning Yiddish

I’m told that even during war, she took the time to put on lipstick.

Leaving Memphis

“I have a sneaking suspicion that we’re the same person,” she says.


the woman wiped her hands on her apron saying “lord these children”

Lester Leaps In

No matter how hard I played, it was like I was performing inside a vacuum.

Letter Spoken in Wind

Your voice on the phone, a gesundt in dein keppel you blessed my head.

Letter to Myself in the Future #4

I slide my heart inside a folded sheet of paper and tape down the opening.

Letter to Ruth Stone

Another light is growing out of their shadows. You can hear it.

Letters to God after Seeing a Sign for the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague in Prague, Oklahoma

There was a special kind of power in playing the father of God.


Be honest. Writing is about honesty, and articulating that honesty.


Be honest. Writing is about honesty, and articulating that honesty.

Life Is Meals

The wine was administered to Theo’s lips, and then the rest of us.

Light and Shadow

There was something that eluded me, that was always outside the frame.

Likeness Makes Its Solitary Way Seeking the Lost Whole

Call it an echo. Like a sketch of the moon as the moon lies in silvery forms.

Listen to Me

Mark was spending his life with one of the world’s weaklings.

Listening and Other Poems

Break me like bread. Take me apart. Strip each rib down to light.

Little Citizen, Little Survivor

Welcome, little citizen. Lend me your presence, and I’ll lend you mine.

Little Gifts

His eyes, dark brown and unwavering as he delivered the details.

Little Me

I felt that Teddy occupied a range below acceptability, even among boys.

Little Selves

She closed her mind to all familiar shapes and strained back.

Little White Birds

I began to look for evidence of my father’s duplicity in his body.